David enjoys teaching all ages, from beginner to diploma standard, with theory as required, passing on a wealth of knowledge gained from the UK’s top teachers and his own continuing eclectic performing experience. Pupils' recent successes have included Piano and Theory Associated Board Grade exam passes with Distinction and Merit, and local competition winners - though he is happy to teach pupils, learning for pleasure as an end in itself.
Piano lessons at my house are on the best pianos: £100K worth of Steinway 'B' Grand (the Rolls Royce of pianos) or Yamaha U3 upright. If Chalfont St Peter is too far for you to travel, David is also willling to teach via Skype.
David has lectured at the Royal Society of Medicine under the auspice of British Performing Arts Medicine on his successes with Repetative Strain Injury cases. He has also lectured to the Slovene branch of the European Piano teachers' Association on Piano Sound. For further biographical details, please see the other pages on this Website.
For those not sure whether they wish to fully commit to learning the piano, for which a piano at home for regular practice is normally required, David runs courses consisting of a daily 30 minutes lesson for 5 consecutive days. As no practice is required in between these lessons - that's the reason they're as near daily as possible! - this short course gives people the opportunity to try out piano lessons without the need for having a piano at home (though the course is equally open to those who have). By the end of it you'll have learnt some basic music notation, piano playing technique and you'll be able to play an easy nursery rhyme. If you like this Try-out the Piano' idea, please make contact to arrange mutually convenient dates.
Benefits of learning the piano and substantial review
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Exams policy & pre-entry assessment
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